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► William J. Maze Curriculum Vitae
I focus my legal practice on drunk driving defense, gun charges, felony drug possession and forfeiture actions, and lawsuits against the police and government officials under Michigan's Freedom of Information of Act. I currently serve as the elected president of CDAM, the Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan, Michigan's largest statewide criminal defense attorney organization.
I have handled over a thousand cases, many involving complex legal issues and extensive discovery in civil cases opposed by many of Michigan's largest law firms. I have successfully argued hundreds of motions in both criminal as well as civil cases, and I have appeared in almost all of Michigan's courts across the state.
I am a frequent speaker on criminal law, addressing drunk driving, drugged driving, motion practice, trial techniques, and Freedom of Information Act matters.
I have been qualified as an expert witness in the standardized field sobriety test battery (SFSTs) on several occasions and I have performed those tests on hundreds of individuals. I am throughly versed in the NHTSA SFST battery and literature. I have participated in teaching the NHTSA/IACP Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioner Certification Course on several occasions and I frequently lecture on the subject of the field sobriety tests. I have also studied the statistical reliability of these tests, along with non-standardized field sobriety tests. I have advanced training regarding the horizontal gaze nystagmus test and other forms of nystagmus and saccadic oscillations of the human eye. I have read and studied the peer reviewed research regarding field sobriety testing as well as the NHTSA published research in this field. I am knowledgeable in the peer reviewed literature regarding alcohol and highway safety as well as the effects of alcohol on the human body.
I have also participated in advanced training in the BAC Datamaster. I attended factory training at National Patent Analytical Systems and I am knowledgeable about the underlying science and internal workings of the instrument. I own two BAC Datamaster instruments and I have performed hundreds of experiments on the devices, along with PBT instruments including the Alcosensor III and Lifeloc FC10. I have studied the peer reviewed research regarding breath testing as well as the state and manufacturer's published literature in this field, and I have been qualified as an expert witness in these areas.
I am a published author in drunk driving defense, and I expect to publish an additional book within the next year in this area of legal practice.